Tuesday, November 1, 2016


by jrdiaz

President Duterte appealed yesterday to Filipinos to shun greed and corruption and to government officials to be true “servant leaders” who work for the interest of the people.

He said,“I, therefore, ask my fellow workers in government and the entire Filipino people to heed not the temptations of the temporal world,” he said. “Let us, rather, answer the call to be true servant leaders.”


We commend the President for those statements because it is important to remind those in public office that they are not there to be served by the people but rather to serve the people.

We must remember that true leadership is not measured by how many people serve you. It is measured by how many people you serve. That's why we call it public office and we call you public servant.

Always remember that true servant leadership is not about controlling people, oppressing people, and manipulating people. It is about inspiring people, empowering people and equipping people to become better than you...

Duterte quotes Christ: Shun greed, materialism